US-Mexico Collaborations

Strategic Partnership

From economic competitiveness to climate change, migration, and national security, Presidents Biden and López Obrador highlighted .


Both leaders recognized the severity of the fentanyl and synthetic opioid crisis and expressed gratitude to Mexico for its efforts to combat.

Law Enforcement

The United States and Mexico discussed ways to increase their cooperation in the fight against transnational criminal.

Economic Prosperity

Both leaders discussed economic integration, supply chain security, sustainable energy technologies, and artificial intelligence as means

Economic Ties

Highlighting the considerable trade connection between the two nations, totaling $863.4 billion in 2022, the leaders stressed

Migration Management

recognizing Mexico's containment operations and the return of persons without legal basis, the leaders acknowledged

Addressing Root

Concerning election process interruptions in Guatemala, both presidents proposed increasing authorized avenues for migration, including.


Together, Biden and López Obrador reaffirmed their commitment to working together to address global issues like.

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