Panama national football team

 2011 Gold Cup wins

Panama defeated Guadeloupe and the U.S. in the 2011 Gold Cup group stage before falling to them in the semifinals.

 2013 Gold Cup

Panama's 2013 Gold Cup victory, overcoming Mexico and reaching the finals before succumbing to the US in a tight encounter.

Heartbreak in 2014 World Cup

Panama was eliminated from the 2014 World Cup after leading the US but surrendering two stoppage-time goals.

2015 Gold Cup

Panama's strong performance in the 2015 Gold Cup, reaching the semi-finals and losing to Mexico but winning the third-place playoff against the US.

2018 World Cup 

Panama qualified for the 2018 World Cup after beating Costa Rica, marking the first time the US missed out since 1986.

 Román Torres

The Panamanian president declares a national holiday in honour of Román Torres, who scored the winning goal in the 2018 World Cup qualification match.

. 2018 World Cup Debut

Panama's 2018 World Cup debut against Belgium and England in the group stage, highlighted by Felipe Baloy's late goal against England.

 World Cup Out:

After losing to Belgium, England, and Tunisia, Panama exited the 2018 World Cup bottom in their group.