"Cade Cunningham's Divergence: A Deeper Look at the Gulf Between Traditional Success and Advanced Metrics"


The article describes Cade Cunningham's recent performance versus Cleveland, highlighting his versatility.

Expectations and Rankings

After the Pistons' troubles, ESPN's "25 under 25." ranks Cunningham as a promising young NBA player.

NBA Achievement

Cunningham's trajectory is compared to past NBA numbers, suggesting he could join a select group of early players with large points.

Advanced Stats 

The article compares Cunningham's efficiency numbers to high-usage players.

Performance Analysis

Cunningham's shot attempts, free throws, turnovers, and advanced stats versus the Cavaliers are examined.

 Context and Expectations

The Pistons' playoff struggles and Cunningham's pressure to improve are explored.

Efficiency Concerns

The article discusses Cunningham's scoring efficiency and how being a volume scorer affects his career numbers.

Future Implications

 Advanced metrics, team expectations, and Cunningham's game development raise questions regarding his future.

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