American basketball player Zach lavine

 early life

From Space Jam inspiration to high school basketball stardom: Seattle native Zach LaVine's early life.

Stardom in college

rookie sensation Zach LaVine's rise at UCLA and eventual selection in the NBA draft.

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NBA Debut

Timberwolves' 2014 draft, LaVine's impressive start, winning Slam Dunk Contest at All-Star Weekend.

Knee surgery

Knee surgery after the playoffs and a max contract extension for five more years in 2022.

Scoring Milestones

LaVine's career-high scoring games and consistent performance on the court.

Contract Extension:

Post-playoffs knee surgery, securing a new five-year max contract in 2022.

Olympic Gold

LaVine will play a pivotal part in helping Team USA capture basketball gold at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.


high scoring performances and reliable play on the floor are milestones in his scoring career.